What do we offer in our detox


3 things to know about detox

Follow the time All the juices, salad box, fruit bowl to be consumed as per the mentioned time.
Dos and Donts Download the Dos and Donts guide to be followed on the day of detox.
brain child The combinations are designed by our expert nutritionist Ms. Pooja Singhania (Phd. Food Science & Nutrition) to create maximum impact.
  • Follow the time All the juices, salad box, fruit bowl to be consumed as per the mentioned time.
  • Dos and Donts Download the Dos and Donts guide to be followed on the day of detox.
  • brain child The combinations are designed by our expert nutritionist Ms. Pooja Singhania (Phd. Food Science & Nutrition) to create maximum impact.

Detox diaries